What Type of Yes Will You Say?

Have you ever just said yes because you felt like you needed to?

Perhaps, it was an escape from discomfort for you or maybe you were craving a feeling of safety, stability and/or security.

Those types of yes’s aren’t always useful.

When you say yes like that, you end up losing your FREEDOM or worse, being afraid of YOUR freedom.

You train your mind to think that freedom needs consent from everyone around you.

Everyone around you except YOU!

Next time you are at that crossroads, take a pause.

Ask for a pause if you have to.

Whatever you do, you need that pause to ask yourself if you are honoring yourself and if you are loving yourself.

If your answer is no, well then, you know what to do.

If your answer is yes, you still did yourself a favor.

Don’t give in to societal pressures.

Don’t make fear bases choices.

Trust yourself. Honor your gifts.

Honor your authenticity.